
Language Coaching Centerof Alona Korniienko 

-We help entrepreneurs, managers and freelancers to work confidently with English speaking clients building meaningful connections.-We navigate companies to expand internationally and grow their income with the help of ENGLISH.


Alternative learning experience that shifts thinking paradigm available in every country of the world


We aim to make a difference in the field of education sharing with people
HOW to learn cost-effectively,with NO drilling, quickly andefficiently


certified and accredited Neurolanguage Coaches®.We differ only in our internal certification and the number of training/practice hours as coaches.Alona: Advanced + 48 hours.The colleagues: Basic + 30 hours each.Detailed description of coaches andtheir diplomas/badges are available upon request.


Language Coaching Centerof Alona Korniienko

-We help entrepreneurs, managers and freelancers to work confidently with English speaking clients building meaningful connections.-We navigate companies to expand internationally and grow their income with the help of ENGLISH.


About the method:

● We work according to the method of Neurolanguage Coaching®This is the world's ONLY accredited, award winning Language Coaching method.
● Neurolanguage Coaching® incorporates the latest findings in neuroscience as well as principles and tools from coaching into the traditional process of language teaching.
● Through neuroscience, we know that no two brains are the same, so neurolanguage coaching® is tailor-made learning to clients´ needs, without books, but with clear and structured targets to achieve in defined periods of time.
● This method and approach create the perfect learning conditions for the brain leading to faster, more efficient, sustainable and cost-effective results.  ● It means building your specific route to your language goal at the very first meeting (without textbooks and based on an individually designed plan).
● We truly believe that this is a revolutionary method that is shifting the paradigm of education worldwide.

Neurolanguage Coaching® is about:


Unique delivery with brain-friendly coaching communication


As an ICF Accredited Course we bring elements from the coaching profession:

● ICF standards
● goal setting, action setting, motivation, commitment, goal review


Ability to spontaneous troubleshoot and coach emotional triggers and blocks relating to language


Neuroscience, Emotional Intelligence, Psychology


Unique personalized/individualized roadmap to each learner


Diagnose how that particular learner learns


We create the bridge between neuroscience and practice


Everything in NL process is following how the brain learns best

How is NeuroLanguage Coaching® different to traditional English lessons?

Unique delivery with brain-friendly coaching communication:

🚫 no teaching, no drilling, no lessons✅ only coaching, navigating and sessions✅ equal status coach/coachee

As an ICF Accredited Course we bring elements from the coaching profession:

-ICF standards;-goal setting, action setting, motivation, commitment, goal review;

Content always dependent on clients wishes:

🚫 no course books, no unit by unit✅ only case study and unique personalized step-by-step roadmap and plan of learning

Brain 🧠 friendly learning

✅ Everything in NL process is following how the brain learns best✅ Provoking continuous "aha" moments with the language

We create the bridge between Neuroscience, Emotional Intelligence, Psychology and practice

✅ We coach emotional blocks relating to English✅ Strive to understand how learner thinks, functions and reacts

Focus on cost effectiveness

🚫 No study English for years✅ Potentially faster language learning(I often say goodbye to my learners in several months).

This learning experience will TRANSFORM your life making you a LIFE LONG LEARNER with no external help in the future. And English is just a tool.

How often to study?

The number of sessions we determine together at the first meeting, based on specific goals of English MECHANICS and MASTERY (the contexts where you apply English skills).
So, the first meeting serves not only to get acquainted with the method of Neurolanguage Coaching® and to conduct a language diagnostics, but also to set specific goals, preparing a personalized step-by-step learning plan and determining the terms and frequency.
And by the results of this session you will be able to figure out how much time you need to invest.
What about the first session?

How much?

Individual English coaching with Alona

- Online session of 60 minutes with ADVANCED Neurolanguage Coach® Alona Kornienko - Drawing up a personalized learning plan and goals (roadmap 4 pdf pages + materials) - Materials, recording on the online platform and feedback - Check of homework/prep work/continuous support in the chat

from € 60 for 1 session

-8 sessions pack includes a BONUS 🎁: the first session is free of charge

*After the first session, I work on the basis of package pre-payment (min 8 sessions)**The package is valid for 2 months after the start

Individual English coaching with the TEAM

- Online session of 60 minutes with my team Neurolanguage Coach® + my moderation - Drawing up a personalized learning plan and goals (roadmap 4 pdf pages + materials) - Materials, recording on the online platform and feedback - Check of homework/prep work/continuous support in the chat

€ 35 for 1 session

-8 sessions pack includes a BONUS 🎁: the first session is free of charge

*After the first session, we work on the basis of package pre-payment (min 8 sessions)**The package is valid for 2 months after the start

English coaching in a group

- Online session of 75 minutes with a Neurolanguage Coach® - Group of 4-5 people MAXIMUM - There is no additional enrollment (point A-point B in group dynamics) - Drawing up a personalized learning plan and goals (roadmap 4 pdf pages + materials) - Materials, recording on the online platform and feedback - Check of homework/prep work/continuous support in the chat

€ 25 for 1 session

-8 sessions pack includes a BONUS 🎁: the first session is free of charge

*After the first session, we work on the basis of package pre-payment (min 8 sessions)**The package is valid for 2 months after the start

  • Illustration

    By purchasing the sessions I accept hereby Terms and Conditions of Engagement, confidentiality and data protection policy agree to receive emails, text messages from Alona Korniienko

Corporate NeuroLanguage Coaching:

How would your company grow if all employees do their responsibilitiesin English on the international market?
Negotiations with clients, sales, product/company presentations, customer service, marketing - everything in English and on the English-speaking market ...
New clients, opportunities to attract partners, increased company revenue and a whole new way of living for your teamSIMPLY ADJUSTING YOUR COMPANY TO THE ENGLISH-SPEAKING MARKET.

Corporate Language Coaching includes:- a Personal manager- Online session of 90 minutes with a Neurolanguage Coach®- Alocation the teams into groups of 4-5 MAXIMUM people (point A-point B in a group dynamics, no additional enrollment)- Drawing up a personalized learning plan and goals (roadmap 4 pdf pages + materials)- Materials, recording on the online platform and feedback- Check of homework/prep work/continuous support in the chat- Reporting for the team leader- The first session free of charge to define the goals and growth areas of teams to deal with the English-speaking market

  • Terms and Conditions of Engagement

    1. The Coach and the Client will together establish dates and times of sessions.
    2. The Coach requests from the Client a cancellation policy of no less than 12 hours prior to the previously agreed sessions. In the event that the 12 hours' notice is not given then the Client shall be liable to pay for the full price of the sessions booked, however in the event that the 12 hours' notice rule is fulfilled then the Client shall not be liable for the payment of the sessions booked.
    3. The Coach agrees to maintain confidential any information relating to the company policy, strategy, practice or know-how that may be disclosed during any of the sessions.
    4. All material provided by the Coach is for didactic purposes only and any extracts of contracts or precedents are intended by the Coach as for educational purposes only.
    5. The Client agrees to ensure pre-payment of an invoice through bank transfer.Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or queries regarding this offer and I will be happy to clarify. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
    Kind regards,Alona Korniienko Advanced Neurolanguage Coach®